Saturday, January 31, 2015

Starting conversations on Facebook

One thing that new marketers and even veteran marketers might have trouble with is talking to people on Facebook. People are on the site to chat, look at pictures, and catch up with friends. They aren't really there looking to buy or have someone pitch them. Facebook can be a goldmine if you use it right.

First and foremost, use Facebook as a way to network and make new friends. If done right these new friends become potential leads. How to initiate the process is to talk to the person like you would talk to anyone else you are trying to get to know. Find out about their family, their hobbies, what they do and other information. Once you get to know someone you can then determine if they would be a good fit for your business.

Another way to use Facebook is to network with people you already know. Everyday go down your friends list and message twenty people you haven't talked to in a while. See how they've been doing and catch up. If they are a good fit you can introduce them to your business.

Below is a video about starting conversations on facebook. Check it out.

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